The Exam
The eye exam will be helpful in deciding if your child needs glasses or not, and from there, what kind of glasses they need. Before the exam, brainstorm questions that your child can ask that you know they will find interesting. If your son or daughter loves science, prep him or her to ask about eye anatomy. Or, maybe the equipment will seem cool to children who like robots and machines: what questions can be asked to learn more? Our friendly staff is happy to answer questions that will make sure your child feels safe and interested
Have Fun
If an exam determines that it is time for your child to get glasses, don’t worry, picking out frames is the fun part! We encourage kids to try on a variety of different frames in order to find ones that are comfortable and that make them feel confident. Letting your child pick out their own frames, and ones that they love, will make it feel like the glasses were ultimately their decision.
You’ve made it back home with your glasses, now what? It is important to let your kids know that wearing glasses at all times is the new normal. Practice taking the glasses straight on and off with two hands. Keeping the glasses clean is especially important to ensure that they are able to see through the lenses. Teach your child how to clean their lenses properly and let it become their responsibility. Make sure their glasses are being put in the same safe place at night, ideally in their case on a level surface.
Keeping Glasses Safe
Kids like to play rough when they’re outside, so the idea of wearing their new glasses when they’re playing may be nerve-wracking. We also offer discounts for additional pairs of glasses. While it is important to talk about and remind your child to be safe with their glasses, we know that kids will be kids, and accidents will happen. When an accident does happen don’t panic! Collect all of the pieces and bring them in for repair. If your child is in sports, be sure to check out our sports glasses, which offer unparalleled levels of protection.