
Eye Exams

For optimal ocular care, initial evaluations can be performed any time after birth. Your PCP will do appropriate screening evaluations on the newborns and infants, and refer if further evaluation and treatment is needed. We recommend a complete ocular examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist at age 3 and then as needed depending on the child's vision findings. However, evaluation and treatment of ocular disorders can be preformed from infancy onward as needed. Early detection and appropriate treatment of visual abnormalities lead to better visual outcomes.

Pediatric eye specialists have specific equipment and techniques to evaluate children at any age. Many patients may require dilation as part of their examination. Determination of visual acuity, ocular alignment, binocular function (depth perception), refractive error (need for glasses), and general ocular health will be completed at your examination. Children, adolescents and adults require these periodic ocular examinations to obtain and maintain optimal ocular performance. Whether optical, medical, or surgical treatment is needed, our experts can determine and recommend the best course of action for your needs.

Medical and Surgical Evaluations

Some of our patients may require surgery to correct or improve their ocular disorder. Almost all of our surgeries are performed as an outpatient and are covered by insurance. Our staff will obtain appropriate medical and insurance clearance prior to scheduling any surgery. This will hopefully inform you regarding your financial obligation pre-operatively if a surgical procedure is required. We utilize a variety of local hospitals and outpatient surgical centers in the greater Tulsa area. Your insurance company will often determine where your surgery can be preformed.

If surgery is indeed determined to be required, we will discuss appropriate reasons for this decision, as well as the risks, benefits and alternatives to your procedure. If questions arise prior to or after your surgery, we will be happy to answer those as needed.

Orthoptic Therapy

An Orthoptist is a specialist who works on the evaluation and treatment of patients with disorders of eye movement and binocular vision. They work in coordination with the ophthalmologist to help patients develop better alignment and binocular control. The most common disorders that respond to this form of therapy are convergence insufficiency and intermittent exotropia. The individualized treatment programs the orthoptist develops for their patients are designed to help improve or eliminate symptoms associated with poor eye coordination skills. These problems are most commonly found in children and can affect reading and educational performances.